BP3D_CUDA ========= This is a GPU implementation of a simple backprojection algorithm for 3D data sets. It takes projection data as input, and returns the backprojection of this data. Configuration options --------------------- ================================ ======== ==== name type description ================================ ======== ==== cfg.ProjectionDataId required The astra_mex_data3d ID of the projection data cfg.ReconstructionDataId required The astra_mex_data3d ID of the reconstruction data. The content of this when starting SIRT3D_CUDA is used as the initial reconstruction. cfg.option.GPUindex optional The index (zero-based) of the GPU to use. (default: 0) cfg.option.VoxelSuperSampling optional For the backward projection, VoxelSuperSampling^3 rays will be used. This should only be used if your voxels in the reconstruction volume are larger than the detector pixels. (default: 1) ================================ ======== ====